BACKGROUND: The NSW Government’s Safety, Return to Work and Support Division (SRWSD) was formed in August 2012 and sees the joining of four previously separate authorities into one. The four authorities include Workcover Authority, Motor Accidents Authority, the Workers’ Compensation Dust Diseases Board and Lifetime Care and Support, and which now operate as one integrated agency. It is their purpose to contribute to the economic growth and productivity of NSW, whilst supporting the wellbeing of the community through insurance, prevention and management of workplace and road use injury. With their focus now shared, they must work together to better support the people of NSW. CHALLENGE: With the corporate plan for SRWSD brought inline with the NSW State Plan of, ‘reduced red tape and a more customer-centric approach to everything we do’, their challenges were two-fold. One being to represent a unified authority; streamline the cultural shift and ensure through branding, that the new scheme communicates unity, simplicity and support. The second being to maximise productivity through simplified communication methods and improved customer comprehension. With SRWSD communicating heavily through printed collateral, and information sheets that are unavoidably complex, the need for more effective navigation, clarity and simplicity were at the core of the challenge. SOLUTION : The branding scheme focussed on unpacking the complex content and maintaining customer interest through considered information design. The premise of the design is built around providing effective support structures for readers, and enabling greater comprehension through pull-out devices and balanced elements. The bold, uncluttered design is defined by a contrast between thick and thin. To convey a strong sense of customer support, light type is always accompanied by a robust visual element and layouts conform to a clear grid. The restricted colour palette features a bright attention-grabbing colour balanced by a more subtle slate green and shares of black and white. Created at RE